Photos (2011)

Date Title
2011/12/27St. John Parish Celebration
2011/12/25Visit St. Joseph Home
2011/12/25Midnight Mass
2011/12/24Christmas Day
2011/12/09Blessing Kindergarten PM Students
2011/12/09Blessing Kindergarten AM Students
2011/12/09Medjugorje Prayer
2011/12/08Jubilee Mass
2011/12/0280th Anniversary of La Salle College
2011/11/271st Advent - Candle Lighting
2011/11/27Ecumenial Seminar - Dialogue on Justification
2011/11/26Visit St. Joseph Home
2011/11/25Vocation Sharing - Fr. E. Yu
2011/11/24Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Maryknoll
2011/11/20Caritas Bazzar at Tsuenwan
2011/11/13Celebration with the Elders
2011/11/11Medjugorje Prayer
2011/10/30Marian Procession
2011/10/30Parish_Council - Vow
2011/10/24The Church of St. Peter and Paul in Singapore
2011/10/21Singapore Retreat House
2011/10/16Blessing of Pets
2011/10/09New Territories South West District - Mission Sunday Dinner for the Elders
2011/10/075th Day Evening Prayer at Catholic Church
2011/10/075th Day Farewell Dinner
2011/10/075th Day - 2nd Global Christian Forum
2011/10/064th Day - 2nd Global Christian Forum
2011/10/041st Day Evening - 2nd Global Christian Forum
2011/10/041st Day Morning in Hall - 2nd Global Christian Forum
2011/10/041st Day Morning in Church - 2nd Global Christian Forum
2011/10/03 Inauguration Dinner of II Global Christian Forum @ Manado Governor's House
2011/09/30Blessing Kindergarten PM Students
2011/09/30Blessing Kindergarten AM Students
2011/09/23Vocation Sharing - Fr. James Wan
2011/09/2262th Anniversary National Day of Celebration for the Religious
2011/09/20Visit Shek Ku Chau
2011/08/20Holy Land - Mount Carmel
2011/08/19Holy Land - Caesarea
2011/08/18Holy Land - Haifa
2011/08/17Holy Land - Mount Tabor
2011/08/16Holy Land - Narazeth
2011/08/15Holy Land
2011/08/14Holy Land
2011/08/13Holy Land
2011/08/12Holy Land
2011/08/11Holy Land
2011/08/10Holy Land
2011/08/09Holy Land
2011/08/08Baby Baptism
2011/07/08Medjugorje Prayer
2011/06/12Ecumenical Meeting in Crown of Thorns Anglican Church
2011/06/10Medjugorje Prayer
2011/06/03Mass at Senior Home
2011/05/15Welcoming Party for the Newly Baptized
2011/05/13Medjugorje Prayer
2011/04/25Latin Mass
2011/04/24Easter Sunday
2011/04/23Easter Vigil and Baptism
2011/04/22Good Friday - The Lord's Passion
2011/04/21The Last Supper
2011/04/21Chrism Mass at Cathedral
2011/03/27Passover Dinner
2011/01/28Vocation Sharing by Fr. Ferdinand Lok
2011/01/20Ecumenical Gathering - @Shum Sui Po Union Church
2011/01/19Ecumenical Communion Service at Shun-jan Church
2011/01/16Rite of Acceptance
2011/01/16FLL Meeting in HK
2011/01/16Feast of Baby Jesus of Prague
2011/01/15Ecumenical Evening
2011/01/14Medjugorje Prayer
2011/01/06Preistly Seminar