Photos (2009)

Date Title
2009/12/31New Year's Eve
2009/12/25Mid-night Mass
2009/12/21Blessing of Kindergarten PM
2009/12/21Blessing of Kindergarten AM
2009/12/11Medjugorje Sharing
2009/12/08Jubilee Celebration
2009/12/08Visits of St Paul School from Macau
2009/11/27Vocation Prayer
2009/11/22Seminar for Parish Council Members
2009/11/21Celebration for the Senior Citizens
2009/11/15Caritas Bazaar in South West NT
2009/11/13Medjugorje Sharing
2009/10/25Ord 30th Sunday BaBy Baptism
2009/10/23Vocation Prayer
2009/10/18Celebration of Canonization in HK Cathedral
2009/10/18Parish council members - pledge of loyalty during mass at 11 am
2009/10/17Mission Sunday NT South West Deanery Kindergarten Session Part 2 (PM)- Part 2 (PM)
2009/10/17Mission Sunday NT South West Deanery Kindergarten Session Part 2 (PM) - Part 1 (AM)
2009/10/09Medjugorje Sharing
2009/09/22National Day celebration of various religions in Hong Kong
2009/09/11Medjugorje Sharing
2009/09/06Ord 23rd 2009 Mandarin Mass @6:30pm
2009/08/31Feast of Bl Jeanne Jugan in St Joseph OA Home
2009/08/20Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
2009/08/20Pilgrimage to Star of the Sea Church
2009/08/15Celebration of Holy Mass on Assumption of Our Lady
2009/08/14Medjugorje Sharing
2009/07/31Requiem Mass of Emeritus Bishop Domingos Lam in Macao
2009/07/26Hong Kong Mariapolis (Day 4)
2009/07/24Hong Kong Mariapolis (Day 2)
2009/07/23Hong Kong Mariapolis (Day 1)
2009/07/12Baby Baptism
2009/07/11Baptism of Gabriel Faith
2009/06/18-07/01Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
2009/06/15Healing Mass celebrated by Fr. Augustine Valloora
2009/06/14Celebration of Jubilean Precious Blood Sisters
2009/06/131st Communion on the Solemnity of Body and Blood of Christ
2009/06/07Visitors of St. Alfred Church on Trinity Sunday
2009/06/0520th Anniversary of Eucharistic Ministers in St. Margaret's Church
2009/05/31Renewal Promises of the Ministry of the Words Group
2009/05/28In the Movements in the Holy Spirit - Meeting with 6 Groups
2009/05/24Celebration of 51st Ordination of Fr. Tei PIME
2009/04/30Installation Mass for Bishop John Tong
2009/04/19Divine Mercy Sunday @3pm
2009/04/12Baptism on Easter Sunday
2009/04/12Easter Sunday
2009/04/12Easter Sunday Filippino Tradition Meeting of Mary with the Risen Lord
2009/04/11Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil
2009/04/11Holy Saturday - Morning Prayer
2009/04/10Good Friday, The Lord’s Passion
2009/04/10Holy Friday - Stations of the Cross
2009/04/10Good Friday Retreat
2009/04/10Good Friday Retreat for Youth
2009/04/10Good Friday - Morning Prayer
2009/04/09Holy Thursday Celebration
2009/04/09Holy Thursday - Holy Oil Mass at Cathedral
2009/04/05Passover Dinner
2009/04/05Palm Sunday - Mass (part 2)
2009/04/05Palm Sunday - 11am Mass
2009/04/05Palm Sunday - 9:30am Mass
2009/04/05Palm Sunday - Filippino Mass
2009/03/25Consecration Mass for the Triumphant Victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - Main celebrant: Fr Elsinger
2009/03/23Holy Hour - Prayer for the Pope (in Catherdral, organized by Cardinal Zen)
2009/03/22Rite of Scrutiny in St. Francis of Assiss Church
2009/03/22Feast Day Celebration for the Church of the Annunciation
2009/03/12Medjugorje Prayer
2009/03/08Acies Legion of Mary
2009/03/05Vocation Prayer Meeting
2009/03/03Visits of Shek ku-chau (Voluntary Drug Prevention Centre)
2009/03/01Legion of Mary - Annunciation Praesidium Inauguration
2009/02/24Holy Hour & Mass Celebration in Dominican Centre (In Toronto)
2009/02/23Mass in Carmel of Infant Jesus (In Toronto)
2009/02/08Celebration of Marriage Anniversary
2009/02/06Faith & Light Regional Meeting
2009/02/05Vocation Prayer Meeting
2009/02/01Youth Camp ADORE
2009/01/31Youth Camp ADORE
2009/01/26Chinese New Year Celebration
2009/01/25Chinese New Year Eve's Celebration
2009/01/22The Joint Ecumenical Communion Service and Breakfast Fellowship
2009/01/18Rite of Initiation
2009/01/18First Mass of Fr Joseph Liu Ah-lun in Church of Annunciation
2009/01/18Santo Nino
2009/01/17Christian Unity Prayer and Hymn
2009/01/16Baptism of Joseph Wong
2009/01/08Tseung-Tak Senior Home
2009/01/07Ga-Tou Senior Home
2009/01/06Caritas Senior Home
2009/01/04Epiphany - Visits to Old Peoples’ Home