A New Generation of Chinese

On November 27th, the Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, Bishop Richard Grecco met with the pastors from the four Chinese parishes in Toronto. The meeting gave us an opportunity to share our experience on pastoral work. Bishop Grecco appreciates the efforts the Chinese parishes put into evangelization and noted that the fruits are obvious. He is also very concerned about the direction the Chinese community is taking in youth formation.

Specifically, he asks us for advices as to how to pass onto the next generation the beauty of the Chinese culture, the responsibility of social education and the uniqueness of the Canadian society. The Bishop was very happy to hear from Fr. Peter Chin that, workforces were formed within the four Chinese parishes, to express to the Canadian government the Catholic point of view on issues such as pro-life and traditional marriage.

In my humble opinion, each culture has its glamorous and not so glamorous side. Fortunately, the spirit of gospel applies no matter where you go, and is not limited by any cultural boundaries. St. Paul once said, “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:27-28) The objective of evangelical work is to let the spirit of the gospel flow into the very depth of each individual’s heart.