“And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged him to lay his hand on him.” (Mark 7:32) According to the notation of Studium Biblicum about “Laying on of hands”: In the Old Testament, “Laying on of hands…on one’s head” symbolizes the following: -Teaching -Imparting the blessing to the future generations or subordinates -To delicate authority to the chosen one -To instruct a special ability to someone -To symbolize the passing on of sin to the goat as sacrificial offerings during the Day of Atonement Secondly the “laying on of hands on one’s head” can also mean to act as a witness for other’s sins during a trial. Lastly, at the end of the sacrificial ceremony, “Laying on of hands…on the heads” means -To allow sacrificial offerings to be accepted. -To show the oferring in a sacrificial ceremony by the offeror. However, if it is a public offering, the leader of the congregation will lay his hands onto the head of the sacrifices. In the New Testament, Jesus followed the same way as the Old Testament to give out the blessings, and he healed many patients miraculous by laying his hands on them. (See No 1201) This time, Jesus did not act in the same way, instead “He took him off by himself away from the crowd. He put his finger into the man's ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, "Ephphatha!" (that is, "Be opened!") (Mark 7:33-34) The Studium Biblicum has the following interpretation: “The act performed by Jesus to the deaf has no specific healing power. It only acts as a symbol to inspire and generate faith while using an external symbol to generate an internal effect. – As of today, during the Baptismal ceremony, rubbing ears with spittle means to give Holy Spirit to the deaf while activating his spiritual mind so that he can listen to the teaching of faith.” (p.1569) Jesus led the deaf to leave the crowd. Perhaps Jesus wanted to cure the surdimutism of the heart and soul while protecting his reputation at the same time. Although this time Jesus did not say: “Your faith saved you!” we can be affirmed that if the man lacks of faith, Jesus cannot do anything.