神父講道 – 常年期第八週 (週四) (2010年5月27日)

聖奧思定坎特伯雷 – 聖白多祿
恭讀聖馬爾谷福音 10:46-52

(Thursday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time)

A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark 10:46-52

46 And they came to Jericho; and as he was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a great multitude, Bartimae’us, a blind beggar, the son of Timae’us, was sitting by the roadside. 47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 48 And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent; but he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” 49 And Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” And they called the blind man, saying to him, “Take heart; rise, he is calling you.” 50 And throwing off his mantle he sprang up and came to Jesus. 51 And Jesus said to him, “What do you want me to do for you?” And the blind man said to him, “Master, let me receive my sight.” 52 And Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed him on the way.

—The Gospel of the Lord.


司鐸年每日默想 (5月27日)


天主聖神是人靈的導師; 沒有他,人什麼都不能做. 被天主聖神所充滿的靈魂, 就好像葡萄, 從它那裏可以榨取美味可口的汁液。 沒有天主聖神, 人的靈魂就如一個卵石,在他內無法流出任何東西。



(參閱: 司鐸年箴言薈萃 第四冊)