“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62) The main idea behind this excerpt of the Gospel is: If we are to follow the footsteps of Christ, we must courageously venture ahead. There are those who say to Jesus “Lord, please let me bury my father.” Or “Lord, please let me bid farewell to my family”. However, Jesus said those people are not fit to follow him. At first glance, it may seem that Jesus expects too much from us. However, Jesus sees into our hearts and he can see that those people, who give themselves a reason, are only using an excuse to refuse His calling. Jesus teaches us to follow the will of the Father, but not to disobey the commandment to love our parents. However, Jesus clarifies that God’s will should be prioritized over our parent’s will. To follow Christ, we need to courageously move forward. Although Jesus will not abandon anyone of us, He also will not relieve us of our cross to bear. This is because we are all part of the body of Christ. St. Paul once implored Jesus to remove the thorns from his body. Jesus said to him, “My grace should be enough!”