Reflections of the Heart

It’s been five years since I have settled in Toronto. His Eminence Joseph Cardinal Zen, Bishop of Hong Kong has allowed me to stay until September of next year. In these five years, my most unforgettable experience has been the acquaintance of a lady who has the gift of Stigmata; her name is Lillian Barnes. On Good Friday of each year, wounds and blood would appear on her head, hands and feet. When I first witnessed the Stigmata, I was reminded of how much I was like Thomas the Apostle, who only believed when he saw with his own eyes.

Despite the physical pain of Lillian’s wounds, her attitude was always pleasant. She will be spending the Holy Week on the island of Cyprus.

In addition to the gift of Stigmata, Lillian at times receives a vision of Jesus. Three years ago during one of these visions, Jesus mentioned a note that I had written to Him in the past; inviting Him to bless our parish. Jesus answered my prayers, but he wanted me to spend an hour with the Blessed Sacrament every day, so that my body and spirit may unite in the Holy Spirit.

I have tried my best to fulfill Jesus’ wishes. Jesus has done as He promised by transforming our parish into an active community. Therefore, I invite each of you to regularly attend the nightly Holy Hour and mass. Be assured that God will reward those who are generous towards Him.