As If Witnessed by Self

Founder of L’Arch, Jean Vanier, and founder of Hospice Movement of Canada, Dr. Balfour Mount, shared their experience in front of more than two hundred politicians at the Parliament Hill on December 31, 2005. Jean Vanier said: “When my mother passed away, I took in Lucien (a disabled middle-aged man who cannot walk nor speak) to live in my house. His only way of expression is by screaming. I was very angry with him at that moment, sprouted resentment against him in my heart, and realized that I myself was becoming also delusional. Then I realized that I also was very weak and helpless and needed Jesus’ cure. We can only escape the dead-end alley with help of love and mutual support.”

Dr. Mount is a surgical oncologist. He said: “Ken was a terminal cancer patient transferred from the prison. I resented him at first because he was a convict. However, we later became very good friends. His past reminds me to live my life with a graceful heart. His father was an alcoholic and his mother gave birth to him in the prison. But in fact, I myself have many flaws. We should continuously strive in the cyclic process of “wounded” and “being healed”. During this process, we may feel that life is “isolated” and “meaningless” but at the same time from our miserable experiences, we can discover a renewed energy to live in the present moment.”

As Lent begins, let us learn to put down our past selves and live out the selfless spirit of the Good News.

Let us also pray for our new Joseph Card. Zen. May God grant him the ability to accomplish the Holy Mission delegated to him by our Holy Father.