“So the last shall be first, and the first last.”(Matt 20:16) In the parable, workers employed at the very end did not want to be idle. They started late simply because no one hired them. Therefore, they received the same wage as those who started early in the morning. This caused dissatisfactions from the early workers. However, the employer said, “I have not treated you unfairly. Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with what is my own?” God’s plan for each one of us is unique. At first glance, God’s plan for some people might seem extraordinary. Jesus once prophesized that Peter would suffer greatly. Peter thus asked Jesus, “What about John?” Jesus answered, “This is of no relevance to you. Just follow me!” We now know that Peter was martyred on the cross; and John died of old age, because Jesus gave him the responsibility to take care of Mother Mary. God is everlasting and thus does not see things in chronological order. The moment we live our lives to the fullest is the moment we lead. Otherwise, we fall behind.