“Lord! Son of David, have mercy on me!” (Matthew 15:22) This phrase was not spoken by a Jew, but by a Gentile woman. The title “Son of David” does not entail any significance for Gentile people. However, for this woman, it was how she identified Jesus. Despite the differentiation, the woman’s ancestors must have had blood relations with Jewish people, and so she might have already known about Jesus for a long time. This woman wished for her daughter to be free from the Devil’s oppression. However, Jesus’ response was unexpected: “It is not right to give the dog the bread which belongs to the children.” The woman replied, with a touch of humour, “Lord! Yet even the dog will eat the scrapes of food that fell from the master’s table!” This woman believed that Jesus would not demean others, thus her reaction to Jesus was not one of dislike. This is the result of mutual trust. For her humbleness, Jesus answered her pleas.